Saturday, September 24, 2011

zotero and cmc11

I've been interested in creativity for a long time, and I've been meaning to give it some serious study. Life always gets in the way though. I'm hopeful that CMC11 can help me regain some focus.

Being a librarian, I'm sometimes inclined to collect and organize things. Probably more the former than the latter - so I'm thankful that my wife is so tolerant. I started a Zotero group bibliography of some of the material that's been referred to in the course so far. I should do some tagging and add notes, if I find the time. If others think it a worthwhile endeavor, they're welcome to contribute whatever they like. If enough of us add, tag and annotate material, we would build a valuable resource.

In the course of doing that, I found that I already had a creativity folder in my Zotero collection, so I copied the contents to the group library. I guess the course has paid off already in reminding me to look over some of these things. If only I can find the time to start connecting some dots...


  1. I'm enjoying your blog and clicked the button to join your Zotero group. The way I have found sanity within MOOCdom is to limit what I pursue to those things that further the goals of an initiative I have started that is aimed at full voter participation in the U.S. ... and therefore looks at broader issues of "the digital divide" and creative/multi-culti approaches to engaging youth, urban and rural poor, etc.

    I don't know that I will have time to organize and help tag in your Zotero group ... you are welcome to poke around in a "CMC11 political engagement" Zotero group I just started (again, for my specific areas of focus) at

    It's public but closed, because it's very important to the furthering of my specific goals that the info there be well organized according to what makes sense in my own brain :-) ... though I applaud your trust and openness in having created a Public/Open group!

    One more thing: I have started an Google Site directory of people participating in CMC11, it would be great if you could add your name and blog URL and Zotero URL -- the directory is at

  2. PS: me again! I have also started a CMC11 "channel" on the topic of Creative Play in Education. Looking at some of the materials you are collecting, you might be interested in this channel. I've been having a hard time getting people engaged and discussing things there. It's at
